Jitsi - Tutorial
Adding Jitsi Activities to your course
In order to conduct video conferencing in the Jitsi system, the course instructor must add the activity "Jitsi". To do this, follow these steps:1. Enter our course
2. Turn on 'editing mode' - from the action menu
3. In the course block, click
4. On the list of activities select
5. Complete the form fields:
- "Nazwa sesji" ("Session name") - eg "Conference" - this field is mandatory
- "Rozpocznij wideokonferencję" ("Start a video conference") - the field is optional. Here we can determine when our "conference" will start. To do this, select "Włącz" ("Enable") next to the date and time and set the date, hour and minute of the conference start
7. There is a new activity in our course:
In order to enter the prepared video conference, go to the course and click on Jitsi activity:
Then click the "Wejdź" ("Enter") button. The following message will appear on the screen:
After entering the conference, the browser will ask: Do you want to make the microphone sound available to the "moodle.safemedic.eu" site? You must agree - click "Share".
On the next screen, we enter the nickname under which we appear in the video conference - in the example below, the nickname is "marcin". An example of a video conference website address is: https://meet.jit.si/man.7.meet. This address can be copied to the clipboard by clicking on the icon: . The following buttons are used to enable/disable the microphone and the camera:
. By turning on the camera, you must agree to share the camera image for the website "moodle.safemedic.eu".
Icons mean that the microphone and camera are turned on,
- microphone and camera off.
Click to join the meeting:
The screen of a properly launched video conference contains buttons:
- Inviting new participants, which boils down to sharing the video conference address by e-mail or another communicator.
- Starting a chat. The ability to write information in a public chat, i.e. visible to all participants.
- Screen sharing. We can share the entire screen or the screen of a running application.
- Raising a hand. After pressing this icon, our interlocutors will receive the information "marcin wants to speak"
- More actions
The button contains the actions menu:
By clicking on your nickname (marcin) you can manage your personal settings.
These settings include:
"Devices" - Camera and Microphone
"Profile" - Nickname and Email
"Calendar" - Connection with Google or Microsoft Calendar
"More" - Here we can set the language of the application
We can also start streaming to YouTube from the action menu. With a YouTube account, we can broadcast live video conferencing for a large number of users.
The conference participants will be listed in the right corner of the screen. All participants of the conference in Jitsi have the same entitlement. We have no moderators for the meeting.
Ending participation in the Video Conference
To end participation in the video conference, click the icon