Osnova sekce
Main causes of violence in the health care sector, prevention of violence, verbal and non-verbal de-escalation.
Origins of aggression and violence, latent and explicit forms of aggression and violence, definitions.
Theoretical background, self-control, components of non-violent personality, nonviolence as normative, conflict factors in conflict resolution.
Right to safe and healthy working environment, rights and obligations of medical staff, patients' rights, legal requirements for the use of coercion against aggressive or agitated patients.
Initiating risk, identifying risk, managing and responding to risk, monitoring, reporting and communicating risk.
Various behaviour strategies in conflict situations and necessary skills in resolving disputes by negotiating, not by dominating or yielding to.
Techniques of nonviolent self-protection if a patient cannot be calmed down verbally.
A handbook for teachers, also useful for students, especially those who want to study independently.